The other day, Brandon and I were flipping through Netflix to see what was on, when we ran across this obscene movie cover.
It was obviously anime, and boldly sitting on the front cover was a half-naked woman!
In total shock I exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Is that dirty anime?" (BTW--I only know what dirty anime is because I attended college for a brief stint. Also, I was an art major. Just case you might think....nevermind.)
So anyway, Brandon quickly scrolls off the page.
Unfortunately, Graysen was sitting next to him on the couch, and nothing escapes her attention.
I looked at Brandon, mouthing Oh my goodness once again, when Gray says, "Mommy, I want to watch that one!"
Brandon and I both explain that that is not a good movie, and Graysen retorts with, "Awe...but I love dirty anime."
Oh, ****.
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YIKES! There is so much trash in this world...and our kids are so innocent. Hopefully you can find parental locks for when she is bigger!! ;o)