At some point along the way I would have said I was "bad" with people.
Not bad on the surface.
I am from the Delta, after all, but definitely bad at friendship.
For the first part of my adult life, I don't think I really knew how to have friends, or be a friend.
I was afraid of women...rightfully so- we are undoubtably the most viscous creatures on the planet, and I was sure that I wasn't missing out.
But by the grace of God, I came into contact with some absolutely amazing women (I hope you know who you are, I truly adore you.) who showed me what a blessing friendship can be.
Then I came to seminary. Where I live with women. Lots of women. Everywhere. Always. Together. Hormones, Bibles and all...
And friendship is...different.
It is humorous, to say the least, to imagine the hen-pecking possibilities that arise with so many hens having been gathered into such a small chicken coop. And pecked we are!
However, I love these women. Truly. And Ardently.
From these women, I have experienced loyalty. And compassion. And encouragement. My faith has been deepened by them, and my heart stretched to love them all.
For these things I am deeply thankful.
I have also experienced betrayal. And hatefulness. And injustice. And judgement.
And these are hard things to experience anywhere, but in a group of believers, it is... almost unbearable.
But also inevitable.
Unfortunately, this is not heaven. And people are people. Fallen and sinful.
Pastors, pastor's wives, counselors, elders, deacons...
They're just people!
And the true test of living in Christ's likeness doesn't happen when people are tender, and understanding, and loyal, and loving.
It happens when they're awful.
It happens when they hate you, and betray you, and blame you, and hurt you, and judge you.
Living out the faith that brought us all here happens when you love them anyway.
You love them when they don't deserve it.
Cause that's exactly what He did for you.
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