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Thursday, October 20, 2011


Loving: The crisp, chill air lingering in my house this morning.

Loving: The look on this boy's face when he realizes the new things he is capable of.

Learning: That God is capable of using the direst of circumstances to speak love to me.

Missing: My guitar and easy sounds of joyful praise.

Loving: The chocolate ice cream on the tip of this little nose.

Anticipating: The smell of that pumpkin bread I plan on
baking later today.

Coveting: The sweet, perfectly decorated, perfectly tidy, shabby chic cottages on "my blogs" this morning.

Repenting: For coveting.

Loving: The excitement on these two faces as Noah rides the combine with Hoppy for the first time.

Praying: That my grandmother would be perfectly comfortable, full of grace and peace, and hopeful at the promises of the Gospel.

Rejoicing: Over the lovely baby girl that my dear friends just welcomed to life.

Missing: The smell of Delta fields burning.

Waiting: On life to be easy.
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