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About me

Welcome to my Never-never Land. I'm so happy you're here!

By day I am a mother of 3. I leap tall (lego) buildings in a single bound, I fix boo-boo's with my magical mommy kisses, and I singlehandedly wrangle these wild tiny people- with no more than a hopeful prayer and a BIG dose of grace.

By night, I am a wife. I am a girl who married her best friend, who struggles to be selfless, who longs to be more like Jesus. I am a friend to more wonderful women than I can count, and I'm learning that I'll always be learning.  

So far I have learned that this journey is hard. There are tall mountains and deep valleys, sharp rocks and swift rivers, but there are also quiet waters and green pastures. And the dangerous perils of this life only sweeten those precious moments of peace. Pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee with me?

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