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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Word Problems

Graysen and Noah have been terribly disobedient this morning!

They have just had "bad hearts" as I like to say...and my heart has been pretty bad too.

I have been really convicted lately of my do-it-myself-state-of-mind, you know, my striving to conquer sin without God's help.

So I've been trying to go to God for repentance, and also to ask Him for the grace I need to conquer these sins and change my heart.

So that is exactly what I did this morning. I stopped Gray and Noah and we all three confessed our sin to God. Then I prayed for us that God would pour out His grace on us, so that we could fight and conquer sin.

After the prayer, this is what Graysen said:

"Mommy! I had a bad heart, but now I am obeying! God poured out His seasoning on me!"

Poured out His what?

"His seasoning..."


Uh, we might need to go at this conversation again. Pin It

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daugher

Tonight we had a cookout with some RTS families. Most of them are townhome residents alongside us. It was a blast!

The food was great(thanks Branden and Renee Henry), the fellowship was great, the weather was...well, it was really stinkin hot...but the food and fellowship were great!

The kids swam in the neighbors' pool, so needless to say, we stuck them in baths as soon as we got back home.

Noah begrudgingly took his bath and was soon-after deposited into his bed.

Afterwards, Graysen was plopped into the tub by her daddy while mommy sat on the couch and drooled cleaned up the dinner mess in the kitchen.

All the way up the stairs to the bathtub, Graysen whined and complained and relentlessly nagged Brandon about some imaginary promise that he had made her regarding a pop-ice.

So, lovable sucker that he is, Brandon finally gave in and told her he would go get her a bleepity-bleep pop-ice. Okay so he probably didn't bleepity-bleep at her, but you know he thought it....hehe

He finished running the water and walked into the bedroom to finish taking care of Noah, and this is what he heard...

"Oh, Daddy..." You can imagine her teeny little voice trailing into the room.

Brandon sighs..."Yes, Graysen?"

(Insert a tiny "ahem") "The pop-sickles are downstairs."

And what does Brandon do? He comes downstairs and smacks me... Pin It

Friday, June 24, 2011

Lovin' the smell of notebook paper in the morning!

We're closing in on the start of the school year! Woohoo! (We start in mid July because it is so unimaginably hot here in Mississippi that the poor lil chirrin can't even play they might as well be inside gettin' an education!)

I am "can't-sit-in-one-place-for-too-long" excited. Here's what a typical morning looks like for me right now:

Wake up. chug down coffee. make second cup of coffee. chickens are up-feed chickens. subdue chickens. reheat coffee. lesson plan. change diaper. feed baby. clean up the chicken's messes.reheat coffee again. back to lesson plans. gather craft materials. download and print off an obscene number of household organizational sheets. feed chickens again. drink cold second cup of coffee. put baby down for nap. lesson planning.

Of course this goes on and on, but you get the idea!

So, since I have decided to share the rest of my crazy world with you, I thought you should be able to follow The Morgan school-house too.

Here is what we will be doing this year!

Tapestry of Grace will serve as our primary curriculum. The focus is redemptive history, so from this we will be learning history, Bible history, geography, and vocabulary. This is classical homeschooling at its best, people! We will also be working through Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, Nature Portfolio, and the Math u See Primer. The kids will also have hands-on work boxes to do...ya know, in all their free time...

What's that you say?

Pshhhh, of course I know my kids are only 4, 2 and 4 months. What can I say, I'm ambitious! I can handle it! (laughs nervously)

I'm an adept planner. And I'm juggle savvy.

I do tend to try and juggle a lot...often more than I can handle. And usually, if you pull out one thread, the whole darn sweater falls apart.

So hopefully I can hold it all together without losing a thread... without
dropping a ....without the whole Opera falling apart.

If I can't handle it, you can all have a nice little chuckle at my enthusiastic, overly-ambitious, mommy fail.

And at that point, look out your window. You'll be able to see a colorful mushroom cloud hovering in the sky above our tiny Morgan townhome.

Get your popcorn ready...3 weeks til the show starts.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wash Wash Wash

The other day, Graysen and I were standing at the sink together.

She was spraying bubbles in the sink with purple-food-coloring-water while I loaded the dishwasher.

I left the sink to grab the new plastic cups that she and I had picked out at Kroger earlier in the day, and then loaded them in the dishwasher. spray spray spray

She scrunched up her nose at me and asked, "Mommy, why are you putting those new cups in the dishwasher?"

Obviously, they didn't appear to be dirty.

"Well..." I began, "They probably have big scary germs all over them...people have had their yucky, dirty, unwashed hands all over these cups." I made sure to be emphatic about each word as I loaded last cup in the dishwasher.

I saw the little light bulb go off. spray spray

"Oh." She said. spray spray spray "Like yours?"

Uh....sure. Pin It

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This morning, I made strawberry and cream cheese pastries for breakfast. YUM!

I thought they were heavenly. Graysen, thought she'd rather have cereal.

I sat the kids up with their breakfast in front of the tv this morning so that I could do a Bible study in the dining room where it was somewhat quiet.

Not five minutes in, Graysen came in crying.

"Mommy, I just need to tell you that this thing has strawberries in it and I can't like strawberries."

I reply that strawberries are good for you and they make you big and strong (which is what she cheerily says about the desserts that she enjoys. hehe)

She then slowly starts to back out of the kitchen, barely holding it together. She tries to convince me one more time by saying, "Mommy, when I eat strawberries, my leg and my arm and my head and my back, uh my leg, uh, it don't work and it make me fall down!" She breaks down into a whiny cry at the end.

Obviously, my initial response was laughter, but i held it in and stared her down with fierce determination.

She slowly backed out of the dining room, making eye contact the entire time- her awkward little limbs bumping into things on the way out...

Then half way through the kitchen, she pauses--still looking me in the eyes, and she falls out flat on the floor. Flat on her back. Staring up at me with wily eyes. (must have been the know I have heard they've been known to make legs and other body parts stop working...)

I hold strong and continue the stare down, despite my desire to laugh. We go on like this for a good 60 seconds or so...

She (I guess) realizes that I have not been fooled, and stands up. She nervously and awkwardly looks around, and then scampers off like a wounded cat.


Eat strawberries with caution, and at your own risk this season.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Very bad day.

I am having a bad day.

A really horrible, no good, very bad day.

I called my mom to tell her about my bad day and get some mom sympathy...but I got the snotty woman voice message on the other end telling me, "The person you are trying to reach does not love you anymore. Drown in self-pity and go back to bed."

Really bad day.

Sorry to bum you out, but there is no up side this morning. I haven't seen the silver lining yet. I guess I just wanted you to know that I have bad days. And I am having one.

If you'd like to tell me about your silver lining this morning, I'd love to hear it. Don't be afraid of the comment box!

God is still good.

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