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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Homemade Baby Food

I am making homemade baby food today...woohoo!

My pup hasn't actually eaten any of it yet, so that will be the true test, but it is so much healthier and CHEAPER!

If you haven't tried it and you're interested, try it! It is so easy!

But anyway, I am using my blender, because I don't actually have a food processor. :( (Donations are welcome!)

Anyway, Graysen is pretending to make her own baby food in the room next to me.

So cute!

But midway through me pouring some pureed carrots into an ice cube tray, Graysen comes to me and says(very snobbishly),

"Mommy, you should really try the 'Baby Bullet'. It works so much better. My baby food tastes so much more yummy."


How are you in-the-know about homemade baby food?!

And... uh, Graysen...What's a Baby Bullet? Are they expensive?

*This is my first time making homemade baby food, but if your interested and would like some info, inbox me or shoot me a message! :)
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1 comment:

  1. Ok speaking of baby food. Do you have a baby? because no one in blog world is really sure.. give that youngin some blog time ,heck give him a whole post!!!haha love you!!! -kate
