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Monday, August 29, 2011

Whirlwind life! Just an update.

So this past week has been crazy!!!

But the Lord has been merciful to us and it would seem everyone is still relatively sane....In fact, despite all odds, I have had a fantastic day so far!

We (the kids and I) started school a month ago and have since taken 2 weeks off--for the birth of my precious little nephew, Bentley and for other various reasons...but we started back this morning and it went smooth as butter!

Brandon is back in school, while working almost full-time. (Fully recovered from a near heat-stroke last week while on the job)

My grandmother, Inez Jennings, just found out that she has cancer. She had a small mass removed and will now be starting treatment as soon as she is fully recovered.

My grandfather, Noble Jennings, has heart-trouble and has been feeling not so well.

My sister, who just had her baby, has been having stomach trouble.

And my husband's uncle is about to face surgery next week.

Man, things are crazy...please keep us in your prayers!

Our areas of needed prayer at the moment are our beloved family members, who are facing health-trials, and our ever-present financial concerns.

Please pray for us that God would provide us with the financial means to survive seminary, and pray that we would be able to give comfort and support to those we love-despite our busy schedules and mountainous workloads.

I love all of you. Thanks for letting me share my life, and my heart, with you.

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