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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daugher

Tonight we had a cookout with some RTS families. Most of them are townhome residents alongside us. It was a blast!

The food was great(thanks Branden and Renee Henry), the fellowship was great, the weather was...well, it was really stinkin hot...but the food and fellowship were great!

The kids swam in the neighbors' pool, so needless to say, we stuck them in baths as soon as we got back home.

Noah begrudgingly took his bath and was soon-after deposited into his bed.

Afterwards, Graysen was plopped into the tub by her daddy while mommy sat on the couch and drooled cleaned up the dinner mess in the kitchen.

All the way up the stairs to the bathtub, Graysen whined and complained and relentlessly nagged Brandon about some imaginary promise that he had made her regarding a pop-ice.

So, lovable sucker that he is, Brandon finally gave in and told her he would go get her a bleepity-bleep pop-ice. Okay so he probably didn't bleepity-bleep at her, but you know he thought it....hehe

He finished running the water and walked into the bedroom to finish taking care of Noah, and this is what he heard...

"Oh, Daddy..." You can imagine her teeny little voice trailing into the room.

Brandon sighs..."Yes, Graysen?"

(Insert a tiny "ahem") "The pop-sickles are downstairs."

And what does Brandon do? He comes downstairs and smacks me... Pin It

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