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Friday, June 24, 2011

Lovin' the smell of notebook paper in the morning!

We're closing in on the start of the school year! Woohoo! (We start in mid July because it is so unimaginably hot here in Mississippi that the poor lil chirrin can't even play they might as well be inside gettin' an education!)

I am "can't-sit-in-one-place-for-too-long" excited. Here's what a typical morning looks like for me right now:

Wake up. chug down coffee. make second cup of coffee. chickens are up-feed chickens. subdue chickens. reheat coffee. lesson plan. change diaper. feed baby. clean up the chicken's messes.reheat coffee again. back to lesson plans. gather craft materials. download and print off an obscene number of household organizational sheets. feed chickens again. drink cold second cup of coffee. put baby down for nap. lesson planning.

Of course this goes on and on, but you get the idea!

So, since I have decided to share the rest of my crazy world with you, I thought you should be able to follow The Morgan school-house too.

Here is what we will be doing this year!

Tapestry of Grace will serve as our primary curriculum. The focus is redemptive history, so from this we will be learning history, Bible history, geography, and vocabulary. This is classical homeschooling at its best, people! We will also be working through Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, Nature Portfolio, and the Math u See Primer. The kids will also have hands-on work boxes to do...ya know, in all their free time...

What's that you say?

Pshhhh, of course I know my kids are only 4, 2 and 4 months. What can I say, I'm ambitious! I can handle it! (laughs nervously)

I'm an adept planner. And I'm juggle savvy.

I do tend to try and juggle a lot...often more than I can handle. And usually, if you pull out one thread, the whole darn sweater falls apart.

So hopefully I can hold it all together without losing a thread... without
dropping a ....without the whole Opera falling apart.

If I can't handle it, you can all have a nice little chuckle at my enthusiastic, overly-ambitious, mommy fail.

And at that point, look out your window. You'll be able to see a colorful mushroom cloud hovering in the sky above our tiny Morgan townhome.

Get your popcorn ready...3 weeks til the show starts.

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